Get ready to illuminate
your path to success

I'm Dr. Krysti
I grew up in a small Wisconsin town where I discovered my passion for making a difference in the lives of others. Of course when I was younger sometimes that difference wasn’t a good thing – like with my sister who found my talent of procrastinating until she ended up doing most of the chores not so endearing. Fortunately as I have matured I’ve learned that my talents can be used to create positive changes in the lives of others, and my passion for helping has continued to grow.
I'm not your typical Chiropractor.
I have spent SO much time learning about myself. Falling down; traveling down dead-ends riddled with sleepless nights and negative cash flow. Only to pick myself up, dust myself off, and figure out the road to success. The road I want to help YOU find NOW instead of later. It's my life's mission to point out the dead ends and illuminate YOUR path to success so you can own it and thrive!

Dr. Abbie
I wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to say - hell ya this is what I need. This is what my practice and life are missing.

Dr. Kimmie
Being coached by Dr. Krysti is an incredible and empowering experience. I always feel supported, loved, understood, and motivated on my best of days and on my worst.

"For the past 15 years of being a chiropractor I have listened to some amazing speakers. Dr. Krysti Wick is hands down one of the most inspiring doctors I have had the privilege to hear. She leads you on a journey with her talks that has you connecting with patients on a deeper level due to an understanding how to SHOW UP as a better chiropractor. Her ability to connect with the listeners on so many levels allowed me to serve my patients on a deeper level to empower them to reach their goals."
Awaken your potential. Discover your strengths.
Illuminate your path to success.