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September 24-27, 2020 

Green Lake, WI



Speakers + Schedule

Dr. Krysti Wick has been planning transformative events for 5 years.  She loves keeping the details a surprise for our attendees to ensure you come with an open mind and heart!   



This event is for women ready to open their minds and hearts. You will be surrounded by like minded women ready to embrace and support you as you deepen your understanding of your own strength within.

Take Me There!

The Biggest Attendee Takeaways from
Camp Illuminate 2019...

"How important it is to have a group of WOMEN working towards the same goal and how powerful that can be. It's nice to be able to bounce first off of each other and share things without judgment, in a loving way and without ego!"


"It is okay to have periods of rest followed by growth."


"There is lots of support available for me and it is okay for me to live my truth in a way that is authentic to myself."

Retreat Style

Located in the beautiful countryside of Green Lake, Wisconsin, this retreat is a kick-back-in-your-comfy-clothes while you chat around a bonfire type of transformative experience.

Women Like You

Lady DC's face unique challenges. This is a group that understands where you've come from, where you're at, and will inspire you to take the next step in your journey.


What are you waiting for? 
Your best self  is ready to emerge.

Tickets will sell out fast, you might as well book now!

Let's Go!